A few kids from our church came over last night to spent the night. Since it is such a beautiful day they started a water war. We are also babysitting Josie and Cami today, so they got involved.
Garrett thought that shooting the camera was a good idea until he realized the photographer had a water gun. |
Josie got hit!!!! |
Team A's fort..... |
.....Team B's fort, Guess who was playing defense and who was playing offence . |
More water. |
While the younger kids were having fun getting wet, Dan, Shea, and Zach were getting ready to paint. |
Cami, trying to stay as dry as possible. |
After they were done getting wet they went inside to do some painting.
Sydney Patrick and Zach decided that getting painted was more fun then painting, and Janessa is just trying to get out of the way |
We scraped the paint out from behind our ears and that evening we went to a friends house for some time of fellowship. You know the usual, Hamburgers, guns, and shooting.
All the Duck Dynasty crew. |
Reid Lasider Teaching Gabe how to shoot a bow. |
The older kids and adults did some skeet shooting. Both Janessa and Zach did really well. |
Sam Kurcus (Far Left) and Denis Sines (Far right) ,both veterans, were leading the shooting of the big guns. |
Kacy giving it a "shot". |
A delicious supper under the trees. |
A wonderful day for all!!!