Janessa likes to do a mission project for B.R.I.G.H.T. Lights each semester, this time is was to the South Plains Food Bank in Lubbock. We had a great turn-out and had a lot of fun. We started out by opening boxes of food and transporting the food into a large crate. We sorted out into groups of four girls and one adult per crate. When you do that with all these kids and a small amount of time, there always is going to be racing.
Molly and Aubrie are in the box because they are to short of bend over to put the food in. It worked really well to have some shorter people and some taller people, so that by putting the shorter ones in the crate they could sort and stack the food and the taller ones could bring boxes and cut them open. |
Our leader, she worked as hard or harder than anyone else. |
Mrs. Lacey took several of the littler ones to help her. They worked so hard and giggled the entire time. Thank you Mrs. Lacey, you made their day. |
Standing the the middle of the room you can see how far it goes. Mrs. Courtney is helping cut boxes for the group behind her. |
Elena, Lexi, and Mrs. Courtney's son (the fast one in the back) Isaac. The most competitive group of all. |
The Carrolls' cousins were here for the week while their parents were on a trip, so they pitched right in a helped. Austin is showing how much fun she is having, Zion is enjoying the show. |
Yes we let the brothers of the girls come and help as well. These two got a box to themselves, and they finished it off before anyone else had theirs done. |
At about 10:00am took a break and had a snack. Our group filled up the break room, with people as well as laughter and talking.
Zion, Cheyenne, Kate, and Kate's brother David. |
Elizabeth, and Sam. |
Molly and Aubrie. |
Mrs. Patty, Gabriel, Molly's brother Morgan, and Austyn. |
After break we moved into a bigger room and sorted drinks and marked bar codes.
The boxes that held the drinks were huge, so it was quite the adventure trying to get them out. |
It was a very good day, and we got a lot done. The girls did an incredible job! Very proud of this group!
The Pogues went to the Whitworth's house for Gaby's first birthday after the mission project. It was so fun, and was a good time to be with Gaby.
A beautiful cake done by Mrs. Kyla (the cup cake in the corner is Gaby's). |
Everyone is watching what she will do with her first cake. |
She just licked off the frosting for a while. |
But as soon as she realized that there was a cake under the frosting, she picked the entire thing up and shoved it into her mouth... and all over her face. |
She had a sink bath after she was done with her deed, she was so proud of herself. |
Happy Birthday Gaby! Thank you for letting us be apart of your day!