Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 12 - Monster truck rally

This post is a little late but a while ago the boys and Mom went to a monster truck rally. Mom didn't really want to go but Dad got called off to a job. There were 5 trucks, 3 motorcycles, 4 four-wheelers,  and about a dozen little go-carts. And a whole lot of people. I would say where it was held but I can't remember the name. : )

4 of the 5 Pogue occupants of the rally. 
The 4 main trucks were "Big Foot, (The white one),  "Reverse", (the one driving backwards), A big red white and blue truck that I didn't get the name of which is right behind, (or in front, whichever you choose) of Reverse, and "Scorpion". (The Green one).
Here are some pictures of them doing there stuff.

Another picture of them all together.
They had a windshield in the back so he would drive forward and backwards over the cars and you never knew which way he was facing. 
Going ............... going.............. Going......
He's going down!!!!!! He really saved it though. Gabe was looking forward to some crashing but they all stayed on there wheels. I got video's of all the other machines but I can't put video's on the blog so you will have to use your imagination.

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