Sunday, October 13, 2013

September 10- First Lubbock B.R.I.G.H.T Lights Group Meeting of the Year

The first meeting of the Lubbock Bright Lights group met on September 10th. Our subject was "Being Strong for the LORD in Your Youth". This is the first meeting in our first foundational set of Bright Lights called Being Strong for the LORD in Your Youth. This set focuses on the attitudes, attitudes and actions we need to first serve Christ. The subjects included in Set 1 are:
Being Strong for the LORD in Your Youth
Developing a Close Relationship with Your Parents
Gaining a Clear Conscience
Developing a Disciplined Walk with God
Accepting the Way God Created You
Being Fully Dedicated to God
To end Set 1, we have a Graduation Ceremony for the girls graduating Set 1, and a Coronation Ceremony where the dads crown their daughters as Princesses of the King. 

Using the wonderful whiteboard available!:)
Teaching, listening, learning for all!

For the activity, Janessa had emailed the parents earlier in the week and asked them to partly color a picture of a bouquet of roses that was attached to the email. Then she asked them to bring the pages and give them secretly back to her, marked with their daughter's name so that the girls wouldn't know. When it came time for the activity, Janessa passed out these pages to the girl by name and let them finish coloring it.
Passing out coloring materials

Coloring, coloring, coloring!

Showing off their handiwork:)
While the girls were coloring their pictures, Janessa whipped up a batch of "Sin". 
Recipe Ingredients:
Soy Sauce
Maple Syrup
 Egg Shells
Peanut Butter
Any leftovers in the back of the refrigerator:)
It stinks really bad:)
Close up!
When all were finished with their respective duties (e.g. coloring, mixing), Janessa told all the girls to close their eyes and to not look. Then she passed the bowl around so everybody could get a whiff. Some thought it smelled "yucky" and others thought it smelled "like chocolate". That was from the cocoa in it:)

After everyone had smelled it and eyes were still closed, Janessa went around and plopped a little of the Sin gloop on everyone's beautiful picture. There was lots of gasps, giggles, peeking, exclamations, and even tears for a few minutes.
Plop! Plop! Plop!

The moms are shocked!

All listening attentively to the explanation of the activity...
After ruining each of their pictures, Janessa handed out fresh, blank and beautiful pictures of a single rose for the girls to color with their parents at home and bring to the next meeting to show us!

The roses are to represent us as young ladies. Our parents have poured into us with all their love and might and we do our best to add to our character with our own works. But nothing is good enough, because we are just as sinful and stinky and yucky as we can possibly be. Each of us is different; some think sin is just "yucky" and horrible, but others love the smell of sin and think it might smell "like chocolate". Jesus did what the blank roses did. His blood covers us in the sight of God and our sins are obliterated. He gives us a new slate! He gives a new start! The best part is, He is continually forgiving if we are humble and repent of our sins before Him! It should always be our desire and exercise unto godliness and to avoid evil and sin. Always to think it smells yucky and not like chocolate!

The question is...who wouldn't want to have a God like that as a friend and savior and father?

All in all, the meeting went well, and for those little girls who took it hard, they learned the most and will never forget the sacrifice of our Lord Christ Jesus the Son of God!

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