Monday, October 28, 2013

September 28 - Fall Homeschool Dance

Our friends from Oklahoma, the Deckers, have never got to come to any dances. They have missed all the dances by about a week either way, so while they were here we hosted a dance. We had a great group at this dance. Quite a few people didn't know how to dance, but there were almost as many people there that did know how to do the dances. 

The last time we did the broom dance, the younger kids had some problems understanding what they were supposed to do. So to make it easier, and more comfortable for every one, we split up the dance. Everyone that was Nine-years-old and under had a broom and everyone older than Nine-years-old had another broom. It seemed to work out a little better.

One dance that we did that we have never used in a dance we were hosting was the Grapevine. That seemed to be one of the favorites.

And a special surprise from a family there, the Haynies, they did an Irish dance that wasn't pre-choreographed, they figured it out as the went. 

 A special thank you to, Jan Kircus and Carly Moreland for getting the news out about the dance. Thanks to the Haynies for helping to teach the dances, and thanks to everyone who sacrificed their dance time to help teach. Because everyone stepped in and helped we were able to pull this dance off.

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