Our dear, sweet Gabriel turned eight today. He has been such a wonderful blessing to our family. Garrett arranged a treasure hunt and a crowning for him.
Gabe's two, fearsome guards. (They wouldn't let anyone get within a yard of him...which made it very difficult to crown him) |
Gabriel, king birthday boy!!!! |
Dad needs to hold the "robe" on. |
He had his favorite breakfast, homemade doughnuts. |
This is the first clue. I'm not going to take you through the entire treasure hunt. Garrett did a good job on it an it is really long, but I will hit some of the high points. See if you can guess where the next clue is hidden? |
Gabe's birthday card from Shea. (It is sill stuck to his dinning room chair) |
One of the clues took us all outside. I took this picture of a boy and his dog. |
The clue stated that he was to go around the house three times, so these next pictures are what the rest of the family did while he was doing that.
Zach did a pull-up onto the roof. |
Enjoying this nice day. |
Waiting for them to come around...again. |
He found the clue. |
His treasure!!! |
They didn't lose any time putting it together. |
We're half way there!! |
It's done! |
Now it's time to open presents.
An air-soft gun from Zach, that I think he likes just a little bit. |
Band-aids for all the booboos he gets while playing air-soft wars. (That was he can keep playing without having to go in.) |
This one was a lot of fun to unwrap, it hat four layers of paper that he needed to get through. |
Whatever it is, I think he likes it. |
It's a pocket knife! |
Gabriel has really gotten interested in Anatomy recently, okay he has been interested in it for about three years. He has gone through every book we have on the subject, taken every class in GRACE in it. So we got him his own build-able body and brain. |
I think he likes all his presents. |
Blow!! |
Those trick candles just won't go out. |
Lol, Lots of love. |
Janessa made the cake and because she had to run errands in town, Kacy decorated it. |
This little boy is growing to be quite the young man. |
Happy Birthday Gabriel!!!
So what is some of the things that you have done on an eight year old's birthday?
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