Monday, July 14, 2014

July 25 - Turkey Capers and 20 Years

This morning, while doing the chores, I noticed that the baby turkeys and our Tom were acting weird. The Tom ( Sargent York) was separating the group of five babies, he was all puffed up, and his comb was blood red. I started thinking that he was separating the hens from the toms, but up until now we couldn't figure out who were the toms and who were the hens.   

Here you can see that he is separating the chicks.

Then all of a sudden all the babies started to groom themselves. That probably doesn't sound very strange, but when they all start at the same time it is.

Then three of the babies started to do this crazy pose. This is when I quit worrying, all this meant was we have three baby toms and two hens. They were so cute doing all this strutting along with Sargent York.  

Yesterday Daddy and Mamma celebrated 20 years together!!! As a gift Daddy's boss gave them a ticket to the Parade of homes in Lubbock. This is a showing of all sorts of fancy homes. Enjoy these pictures that Mamma took.

Happy Anniversary to two wonderful Parents!!! Thank you so much for all your sacrifice and love for one another!! Thank you for your good example to your children and everyone you are around!!!
We love you so much!

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