Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 5 - Workday Weekend and a Remembrance of God's Wonderful Power

4 years ago today, out neighbor was out mowing our lawn. God had blessed the land that year with a wonderful rain and out yard was in full bloom. Out neighbor had a big bush-hog lawn mower that he was using. Dad was working in one of the other buildings, Mom and the girls were working in the garden, Zach was picking up any trash that we had missed in our earlier look around the property, and the younger boys were playing on the patio with their bikes. That day changed our entire lives...for the better. Zach was hit with the lawn mower. He had to have three massive surgeries and he couldn't walk for almost a year. He will always have bad scars on his foot and it will always need special care, but that day God showed our family a touch of his amazing power. To start out with when Zach got run over the blades hit only the bottom of his foot, not the top where all his blood vessels are. Another thing was dad had, some years ago, a major training in the EMT. He wanted to be a professional EMT, but he failed the test. And because of his training he knew how to take care of Zach until the Ambulance arrived. Third, even throughout the whole ordeal, Zach was acting like an over-comer, trying to find something to joke about. Fourth, God had blessed us with wonderful friends that dropped everything and came to support and pray for and with us. I could go on and on with all the wonderful things we have had because of the moment of horror that God blessed us with, but the best thing is, that day was the best thing that could have happened to us all. And we all look back on that day an praise God for it.

Now on to this year. We have come so far since that day, its amazing. Two weeks after Zach's accident, a female dog in Wisconsin had a litter of puppies. And out of that litter we got our wonderful Aleric. Today he got a well needed bath, as did Quincy. While Kacy, Garrett, and Gabe were "playing" it the water, Zach, Dad, Shea were in the shop working on sorting out all of their tools. 
Dad has this neck brace from his days of training for the EMT, Shea wanted to try it on. He had just got in on when dad sent him on a errand, so he got to know what a "pain in the neck" it is.  

Aleric didn't like the idea of a bath to start out with, but he did excellent. Much better than the first time.

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