Our little Bantam hen, Sandi, set on her second clutch of eggs this summer and hatched out 6 beautiful chicks these three days. She had a clutch of 10 of her own eggs to start out with and a couple of Road Island Reds that we put under her. We had three the were not fertile, two that had issues with hatching, one that died from falling into her water, and one got hurt. The rest of them are healthy and happy. She turned out to be a great mother, I wouldn't suggest anyone trying to cuddle these babies.
On the 11th we checked on them during morning chores and we heard peeping and saw quite a few peep holes.
This picture was taken at about 3:30 and as you might be able to see the chick is almost dry. This was the first one, all the rest were out when we went down to do chores the next morning. It was christened Rocket, need I explain why? |
This is Gabe's chick, Goldie |
Anyone want to mess with that mamma? |
Most of her chicks looked like this. One gold one, one tan one, and four striped ones. I will try to get better pictures of them when they are moved out of this box. |
Mamma didn't want a camera in her face any more. |
This isn't a good prospective picture, but they are so tiny. I can put one in my fist and you couldn't tell I had it. |
She's not fat she just has 5 babies she is protecting from the camera. |
Tired of chick pictures yet? Good neither am I. I will keep you updated on their growth. |
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