Monday, October 13, 2014

September 24 - 18 with all it's Blessings and Chalanges

Our mamma was a very discerning woman, she thought that it would be easier to take care of half of her kids' birthdays in less than a month. It works too. Today is Kacy's 18th birthday. The family surprised her with a beautiful roll top desk. 

When we went out to do chores we found this on the mule. He had somehow got a fungus that turned into a secondary bacterial infection. So we have to doctor it every day with a special Antibacterial spray. Twice a week we have to wash it with an Antibacterial shampoo. Lots of fun. It's a good thing that Kacy likes to doctor animals, right?

That evening after Dad and Zach got home we had presents.

A floor lamp to go with her new desk

A beautiful Maxi dress that Janessa gave her.

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