Janessa found out couple of weeks ago that a creation astronomer was coming to speak in Lubbock. It was organised by Sarah Brugle, who has an excellent creation blog, Click
here to check it out. Tonight was his talk. It was amazing!!! He is an excellent speaker and composer. To listen to some of his music and creation proofs on his YouTube Channel
here. He talked about the amazing design of the universe. It was based on his book
Wonders Without Number.
Talking about the earth's perfect place in the solar system. If it were a little farther away from the sun it would be too cold for life and if it were any closer we would burn up. |
He talked about how our atmosphere is the perfect mixture of chemicals for us to be able to breathe. He compared it to the atmospheres of all the other planets. We are truly made without excuse! |
A couple of questions that Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have asked about the evolutionary theory. |
This is a video on the incredible creation of the humming bird that Mr. Rives was apart of. |
Mr. Rives runs a tv show called "Creation in the 21st Century". He has many guests that come in and talk about their work in the furthering the creation message. |
This is the Rives theory of Relativity. |
Scientists have estimated the numbers of sand on the earth to be that huge number.... |
.....and the estimated number of stars is even more than that of the stars. |
Talking about the Earth's Geo-magnetic field and how without it we would have fried a long time ago. |
We are the only planet that scientists have found that had any liquid water. |
Tel me, why do you think the earth has been made by chance over billions of years? |
He handed out coffee straws to the crowd and put up a picture of a galaxy. Then he had us to hold the coffee straws at arms length, and look at a place between two stars. He said that when the hubble space telescope took a picture no bigger than the end of a coffee straw this is what it saw. There was thousands of GALAXIES in that tiny area!!!! |
After the talk we all went out to a place in the country to do a star watch. Mr Rives came out to answer any questions that we had. And believe me he had a ton to answer. He really knew his stuff!!! Not only did he have answers to our astronomy questions, but he had answers to most any questions we put to him. Thank you so much Mr. Rives!!! If he is ever in your area I would highly suggest going to him. I could write all day about how amazing his proof was against evolution, but everyone needs to see it for your self!
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