The rules are:
1. Share 11 Facts About Yourself
2. Answer Questions Set By Your Nomination Blogger
3. Nominate 11 Bloggers
4. Set Questions For The Nominated Bloggers
So 11 Facts About Me:
Since this is a family blog, I'm going to name 11 facts about our family.
1. My dad was from Wisconsin, My mom was from Colorado, and they met in Oklahoma
2. None of us were born in a hospital
3. In 2010 we went through one of our hardest tests of faith, Zach had his foot ran over with a Bush-hog lawnmower
4. Our family leads an outreach of the B.R.I.G.H.T. Lights ministry
5. We love creating things
6. We are all have very close friendships in one another
7. We love to do English Country Dancing, Swing Dancing, and some 1860's dancing
8. We live on a little farm in west Texas
9. We all love to sing and play instruments
10. We all love being out of doors
11. Our female dog just had puppies
Questions set by Aspen:
What is your favorite Era?
I must say that our favorite era is from before the Civil War through the end of the cowboy times.
If you could choose, where would you live?
Oh, that is a good one. Each one of us has a different place we want to live so I'll name them all :)
Daddy and Mommy want to be in a place where Daddy can spend time with his family. Janessa wants to live in a place where she can best serve her Lord as a mother and a godly wife. Kacy wants to live in the wide open on a ranch. Zach wants to live in the mountains of Colorado and run a self sustaining ranch. Shea wants to live where he can be inventive. Garrett want to live near Houston where he wants to work or in the mountains of Colorado. And for right now Gabriel wants to live near Mommy and Daddy.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
We all like working outside with Daddy, riding horses, climbing on things, sometimes taking long walks with the family, and playing baseball.
What are five words that describe you?
Close family, exciting, busy, non-boring (does that count as five words)
Would you rather live in the city or the country?
Country without a doubt for all of us
Now to nominate 11 bloggers:
Atlanta Goodwin
Grace Mally
Anne Voscamp
Allison Whisler
Tara Janelle
Mrs. Windy Shannon
I can't come up with eleven people to nominate, the only other two people that I can think about is Aspen, who has nominated me, and Des, who has already received this award.
And my questions:
What is your favorite past time?
When reading the bible what part of it has hit you the most?
Could you give an answer for the faith that is in you?
What has happened in the past year (from today through this time last year) that has made you smile the most?
In your entire life what has God done to bless you the most?
Thank you again Aspen for nominating me!
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
We all like working outside with Daddy, riding horses, climbing on things, sometimes taking long walks with the family, and playing baseball.
What are five words that describe you?
Close family, exciting, busy, non-boring (does that count as five words)
Would you rather live in the city or the country?
Country without a doubt for all of us
Now to nominate 11 bloggers:
Atlanta Goodwin
Grace Mally
Anne Voscamp
Allison Whisler
Tara Janelle
Mrs. Windy Shannon
I can't come up with eleven people to nominate, the only other two people that I can think about is Aspen, who has nominated me, and Des, who has already received this award.
And my questions:
What is your favorite past time?
When reading the bible what part of it has hit you the most?
Could you give an answer for the faith that is in you?
What has happened in the past year (from today through this time last year) that has made you smile the most?
In your entire life what has God done to bless you the most?
Thank you again Aspen for nominating me!